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  • Thu

    NPWG Seminar: Nuclear Command and Control in the Millennials Era, Peter Hayes

    5:00 pm2150 Shattuck Avenue, Suite 230

    hayesPeter Hayes is Honorary Professor, Center for International Security Studies, Sydney University, Australia and Director, Nautilus Institute in Berkeley, California.

    He works at the nexus of security, environment and energy policy problems. Best known for innovative cooperative engagement strategies in North Korea, he has developed techniques at Nautilus Institute for seeking near-term solutions to global security and sustainability problems and applied them in East Asia, Australia, and South Asia.

    Peter has worked for many international organizations including UN Development Programme, Asian Development Bank, and Global Environment Facility. He was founding director of the Environment Liaison Centre in Kenya in 1975. He has traveled, lived, and worked in Asia, North America, Europe and Africa. He has visited North Korea seven times. He was born in Melbourne Australia; today he is a dual national of Australia and the United States. He is married with two children.


    This talk will focus on the risk of nuclear war and complexity. Very few leaders or even strategic scholars pay attention to the new complexity of the operating environment in which national nuclear command-and-control systems operate, or the new characteristics of the command-and-control systems that may contribute to the problem of loss-of-control and rapid escalation to nuclear war. Cold War nuclear command and control lessons, as well as the interplay of of US advanced conventional weapons will be covered.


    Peter Hayes, “Nuclear command-and-control in the Millenials era“, NAPSNet Special Reports, Feb 2015.

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