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  • Mon

    Dr. Mona Dreicer @NPWG

    5:30 pm - 7:00 pmNSSC Suite (2150 Shattuck Ave, Suite 230)


    Treaty Monitoring and Verification – Basic principles and some personal experiences

    Nonproliferation and arms control monitoring provide key support to US national security and are strongly grounded in technology capabilities and technical expertise. When employed to verify a particular treaty, a variety of policy and political influences come into play. In this arena, the interaction between technical experts and (largely non-technical) policy-makers is central to making the best possible determinations. This presentation will outline the basic principles and illustrate with examples of how monitoring and verification of number of treaties (e.g. NPT, CTBT, New START) are implemented. Insights on what it is like to be part of a negotiation team, working to develop effective verification regimes (bi-lateral and multi-lateral), will round out the discussion.

    Dr. Mona Dreicer is the Deputy Director of the Center for Global Security Research at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. Since joining LLNL in 2003, she has focused on the Laboratory's nonproliferation programs, including international material protection and threat reduction, verification and safeguards technology, nonproliferation regimes and policy analysis, and international engagement. Prior to joining LLNL, Dreicer served as Director of the Office of Nuclear Affairs at the U.S. Department of State, where she was involved in assessing compliance with nuclear arms control treaties and worked to ensure effective verification of nonproliferation agreements and U.S.-Russia nuclear materials programs. Over the past 30 years, Dreicer has worked in nuclear-related areas of international security, dose reconstruction, consequence management, environmental risk assessment and protection, and nuclear reactor safety for the U.S. government (Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, State Department), three U.S. national laboratories, (Los Alamos National Laboratory, LLNL, and the Environmental Measurements Laboratory), the International Atomic Energy Agency's Department of Nuclear Safety, and a French nonprofit research organization (Centre d'etude sur l'Evaluation de la Protection dans le domaine Nucleaire, or CEPN). Dreicer holds a Doctorate en Energetique from l'Ecole Nationale Superiere des Mines de Paris (School of Mines of Paris), Centre d'Energetique (Center of Energy Studies), Paris, France.