Sat18May20137:00 pm - 9:00 pmGoldman School of Public Policy, 150
Thu29May20147:00 pm - 9:00 pmBanatao Auditorium
We'll be hosting several nuclear security experts from across the country, right here at Berkeley! For more information, click here.
Mon02Jun20142:00 pm - 3:00 pm2150 Shattuck Avenue, Suite 230
David Sweeney will be discussing nuclear weapons latency! (more…)
Fri06Jun2014Mon16Jun2014Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation, University of California, San Diego
Thu18Sep20143:00 pm2150 Shattuck Avenue, Suite 230
Tue30Sep20146:30 pm3102 Etcheverry Hall
Thu02Oct20143:00 pmSoda Hall, Room 380
Tue21Oct20146:30 pm3102 Etcheverry Hall
Mon03Nov20144:00 pm1200 Lecture Hall, Cyclotron Building
Join NPWG to develop a satellite Nuclear Policy Working Group at Michigan State University! (more…)
Tue07Apr20157:00 pm - 9:00 pmBanatao Auditorium, Sutardja Dai Hall
Join us for a panel of nuclear security experts discussing nonproliferation and information sensing! For more information, click here.
Thu08Oct20155:00 pm2150 Shattuck Avenue, Suite 230
Thu15Oct20155:00 pm3107 Etcheverry Hall
We'll be discussing the use of drones in nuclear science!
Thu19Nov20155:00 pm 2150 Shattuck Avenue, Suite 230
Thu28Jan20165:00 pm2150 Shattuck Ave, Suite 230
Join us to listen to Bruce Goodwin from LLNL discuss nuclear security and technologies!
Tue02Feb20164:00 pm - 5:00 pm2150 Shattuck Ave, Suite 230
Assistant Secretary Frank Rose on the International Partnership for Nuclear Disarmament Verification
Tue04Oct20167:00 pmLandmark Shattuck CinemasJoin us for an evening of ornate cinema and lively discussions!
Tue21Feb20175:30 pm2150 Shattuck Avenue, Suite 230
Tue07Mar20175:30 pm2150 Shattuck Avenue, Suite 230
Thu31Aug20172:00 pm - 7:00 pmLower Sproul Plaza
Learn about the NPWG and say hi to our members! We'll be tabling at Lower Sproul and hope to see you there!
Tue16Jan20185:30 pm - 7:00 pm2150 Shattuck Avenue, Suite 230
Come join us at the first NPWG meeting of the semester!
Tue23Jan201811:00 am - 2:00 pmKerr Lobby
We'll be tabling in the Kerr Lobby in MLK, so be sure to check us out! (more…)
Tue23Jan20185:30 pm - 7:00 pm2150 Shattuck Avenue, Suite 230
Tue27Feb20185:00 pm - 7:00 pmSan Francisco
NPWG members can join us on a tour of Planet Labs in lieu of a meeting this week.(more…)
Tue06Mar20185:30 pm - 7:00 pm2150 Shattuck Avenue, Suite 230
Come join us for our weekly NPWG meeting (content to be decided by the members)!
Mon19Mar20184:00 pm - 5:00 pm3113 Etcheverry Hall
Join us to hear AMB Linton Brooks, the Former Administrator of the National Nuclear Security Administration, discuss the future of nuclear weaponry and security! (more…)
Tue20Mar20185:30 pm - 7:00 pm2150 Shattuck Ave, Ste 230
Come play through a war-gaming scenario about emerging tech and strategic stability! (more…)
Tue10Apr20185:30 pm - 7:00 pm2150 Shattuck Ave, Ste 230
Come see Tristan A. Volpe, Assistant Professor, Naval Postgraduate School speak about how technical innovation affects security! (more…)
Tue17Apr20185:30 pm - 7:00 pm2150 Shattuck Ave, Ste 230
Come see Dr. Brad Roberts, Director of the Center for Global Security Research at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, speak about strategic stability! (more…)
Tue24Apr20185:30 pm - 7:00 pm2150 Shattuck Ave, Ste 230
Come help us celebrate the end of another great year of NPWG with food and cake and nuclear-themed games!
Thu30Aug20183pm-7pmUpper and Lower Sproul
Come join us to kick off NPWG's Fall 2018 semester at Upper and Lower Sproul.
Mon10Sep20185:30 pm - 7:00 pm2150 Shattuck Avenue, Suite 230
Join us at the first NPWG meeting of the semester! (more…)
Mon17Sep20185:30 pmNSSC Suite
At this meeting of the NPWG, the Project on Nuclear Gaming (Sandia, LLNL, and UCB) will present their e-game for playthrough at NPWG.
Mon24Sep20185:30 pmNSSC Suite
At this meeting, the NPWG team will be running a CSIS Baltic Sea scenario wargame for the group.
Mon01Oct20185:30 pmNSSC Suite: 2150 Shattuck Ave, Suite 230
Join us for the first working meeting of the NPWG.
Mon15Oct20185:30 pmNSSC Suite (2150 Shattuck Ave, Suite 230)
Join us for Erik's talk on drone warfare and using experiments in wargames.
Mon22Oct20185:30 pmNSSC Suite (2150 Shattuck Ave, Suite 230)
Join us for the second working meeting of the semester.
Mon29Oct20185:30 pmNSSC Suite
Join NPWG in welcoming Dr. Jackie Kerr from LLNL to discuss her work on information warfare, cybersecurity, and deterrence.
Mon05Nov20185:30 pmNSSC Suite (2150 Shattuck Ave, Suite 230)
Join us for Federico's talk that outlines his work detecting uranium mines in North Korea using cutting-edge image analysis techniques.
Mon26Nov20185:30 pmNSSC Suite (2150 Shattuck Ave, Suite 230)
Join us to commemorate NPWG's 6th anniversary with food and games...
Mon03Dec20189:00 amChevron Auditorium, International House
Join NPWG and the Project on Nuclear Gaming in launching it's wargaming project: SIGNAL at the International House.
Mon25Feb20195:30 pm - 7:00 pmNSSC Suite (2150 Shattuck Ave, Suite 230)
Join us for the third working meeting of the semester.
Mon04Mar20195:30 pm - 7:00 pmNSSC Suite (2150 Shattuck Ave, Suite 230)
Join us for our fourth working group.
Mon18Mar20195:30 pm - 7:00 pmNSSC Suite (2150 Shattuck Ave, Suite 230)
Join us in welcoming Dr. Jarret Lafleur, who will be presenting The Perfect Heist: Recipes from Around the World.
Mon01Apr20195:30 pm - 7:00 pmNSSC Suite (2150 Shattuck Ave, Suite 230)
Treaty Monitoring and Verification – Basic principles and some personal experiences
Nonproliferation and arms control monitoring provide key support to US national security and are strongly grounded in technology capabilities and technical expertise. When employed to verify a particular treaty, a variety of policy and political influences come into play. In this arena, the interaction between technical experts and (largely non-technical) policy-makers is central to making the best possible determinations. This presentation will outline the basic principles and illustrate with examples of how monitoring and verification of number of treaties (e.g. NPT, CTBT, New START) are implemented. Insights on what it is like to be part of a negotiation team, working to develop effective verification regimes (bi-lateral and multi-lateral), will round out the discussion.
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Mon08Apr20195:30 pm - 7:00 pmNSSC Suite (2150 Shattuck Ave, Suite 230)
China’s Rejection of Tactical Nuclear Weapons in the late Cold War
After the 1969 Sino-Soviet border conflict, China never deployed a tactical nuclear weapons capability to halt a Soviet invasion across its northern borders. Existing scholarship on nuclear strategy indicates that nuclear-weapon states deploy tactical nuclear weapons if they face the threat of a stronger military invading their territory. China’s decision not to deploy tactical nuclear weapons to halt a Soviet invasion is therefore frequently attributed to its leaders’ distinctive beliefs that nuclear weapons are not useful on the battlefield. New Chinese-language sources indicate, however, that Chinese leaders gave much more serious consideration to the option of deploying tactical nuclear weapons than is recognized in the existing literature. Further, these sources reveal that Chinese leaders decided not to deploy those weapons for strategic reasons. I offer the most complete account of the Chinese elite decision-making processes and outcomes related to tactical nuclear weapons in the late 1970s and early 1980s, drawing on new primary and secondary sources. Deng Xiaoping personally supported the initiation of a research and development program for a neutron bomb in 1978. That year, Chinese leaders also canceled an air-launched tactical nuclear weapons program and were developing short-range ballistic missiles that could have been used as nuclear delivery systems. By the early 1980s, however, Chinese leaders decided to rely on conventional military options, rather than tactical nuclear weapons, for halting a future Soviet invasion. These findings have implications for China’s views of the role of non-strategic nuclear weapons in its nuclear relationship with the United States today.
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Mon15Apr20195:30 pm - 7:00 pmNSSC Suite (2150 Shattuck Ave, Suite 230)
Decision Tree Models of Deterrence Including Tactical Nuclear Weapons
Thomas Edmunds, Jeffrey Garrett, and Craig Wuest
Lawrence Livermore National LaboratoryIn a conventional conflict between two nuclear-armed adversaries, one side might choose to escalate to limited nuclear use in order to deescalate a conflict that is going poorly. This option to strengthen deterrence is receiving renewed attention in light of last year’s release of the U.S. Nuclear Posture Review. The objective is to deter the aggressor from instigating a conventional conflict, and the study examines how the threat of use of a limited number of tactical nuclear weapon can contribute to that aim. We analyze the initial attacker’s decision process with a decision tree, where we represent the defender’s response as uncertainty nodes in the tree. This representation of the defender’s actions has two advantages. First, it captures the aggressor’s uncertainty about the defender’s choices by representing that behavior as chance nodes in the tree. Second, a parametric exploration of the defender probabilities reveals what signals and actions the defender can take to deter the attacker. For example, the probabilities assigned to various defender mobilization responses to mobilization by the attacker can reveal what levels are needed to prevent the attack from happening. We illustrate the method with a simple example involving launches of a single tactical nuclear weapon by either the attacker if the attack is stalled and/or the defender to stop the attack. We build the model using a commercial decision tree software package with capability for multivariate sensitivity analysis.
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Mon22Apr20195:30 pm - 7:00 pmNSSC Suite (2150 Shattuck Ave, Suite 230)
Join us for another working meeting!
Mon09Sep20195:30 pmNSSC Suite (2150 Shattuck Ave, Ste 230, Berkeley CA)
Join us for introductions, nukes in the news, and learn more about our plans for the Fall 2019 semester.
Mon16Sep20195:30 pm - 7:00 pmNSSC Suite (2150 Shattuck Ave, Suite 230)
With the termination of the INF Treaty and the impending sunset of NEW START, what is the future of arms control in an era of strategic competition? Has the world fundamentally changed since the entry into force of the NPT almost 50 years ago and what does this mean for the future of the nonproliferation regime?
Join us to discuss and learn! -
Mon23Sep20195:30 pm - 7:00 pmNSSC Suite (2150 Shattuck Ave, Suite 230)
Join us as Manseok Lee presents current work on the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty.
Mon07Oct20195:30 pm - 7:00 pmNSSC Suite (2150 Shattuck Ave, Suite 230)
Mon21Oct20195:30 pm - 7:00 pmNSSC Suite (2150 Shattuck Ave, Suite 230)
Mon18Nov20195:30 pm - 7:00 pmNSSC Suite (2150 Shattuck Ave, Suite 230)
Mon02Dec20195:30 pm - 7:00 pmNSSC Suite (2150 Shattuck Ave, Suite 230)
Mon27Jan20205:30 pmNSSC Suite (2150 Shattuck Ave, Suite 230)
Come and join us for our first meeting of the semester! We are continuing our theme of: The Future of Arms Control and the Nonproliferation Regime
Mon10Feb20205:30 pmNSSC Suite (2150 Shattuck Ave, Suite 230)
Come and join us for this week's meeting, where we will brainstorm this semester's research project(s) and discuss contemporary issues in nuclear security policy.
Mon24Feb20205:30 pmNSSC Suite (2150 Shattuck Ave, Suite 230)d
Come and join us as Jake Hecla speaks to NPWG about OSINT. As always, snacks provided!
Thu27Feb20206:00 pmBoiler Room, Hotel Shattuck Plaza
Join former California Governor Jerry Brown, former U.S. Secretary of Energy and Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI) Co-chair and CEO, Dr. Ernest J. Moniz, and Dr. Bethany Goldblum, nuclear physicist and director of the Nuclear Policy Working Group at UC Berkeley, for an urgent conversation about today’s growing risk of nuclear use, as well as solutions that can bring us back from the brink. NTI’s Corey Hinderstein, former Department of Energy official and leader of its Iran Task Force, will moderate the event—which will include real-time audience voting and Q&A.
Amid increasingly tense relations with Russia and Iran, the advance of new technologies like cyber and artificial intelligence, and the persistent threat of terrorism, we face the highest risk of use of a nuclear weapon since the Cuban Missile Crisis. And according to theDoomsday Clock, which symbolizes the gravest threats to humankind, we’re now 100 seconds to midnight--closer to midnight than at any point since its creation in 1947. Like climate change, weapons of mass destruction pose an existential threat to the United States and the world.As we draw closer to the California primary and the 2020 election, it’s critical that voters educate themselves and demand that our leaders and candidates address today’s threats and the risks we will pass on to future generations.
Thursday, February 27th
6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. PT
The Boiler Room in the Hotel Shattuck Plaza,
Berkeley, CARSVP: https://howclosetodoomsday.eventbrite.com
About the Speakers
Gov. Brown, a UC Berkeley graduate, served as California's Governor from 1975-83 and again from 2011-19. While he was Governor, California established nation-leading targets to protect the environment and fight climate change. Brown currently serves as chair of the California-China Climate Institute housed at UC Berkeley, executive chair of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists and on the board of the Nuclear Threat Initiative.
Described by CQ Magazineas a “rock star physicist,” Dr. Moniz is a leader on reducing the existential risks posed by nuclear and other weapons of mass destruction, as well as climate change. As Energy Secretary, he negotiated the Iran nuclear agreement with then-Secretary of State John Kerry. In 2017, he took the helm of NTI, a nonprofit, nonpartisan global security organization focused on the reduction of nuclear and biological threats.
Dr. Bethany Goldblumis founder and director of the Nuclear Policy Working Group, a research-based educational programming effort that provides opportunities for students from a variety of fields to conduct multidisciplinary research on topics in nonproliferation and nuclear security. She also serves as executive director of the Nuclear Science & Security Consortium, a program to develop a new generation of laboratory-integrated nuclear experts.
The event is co-sponsored by the Nuclear Threat Initiative and the Nuclear Policy Working Group and is free and open to the public.Light food and drinks will be provided.
Mon02Mar20205:30 pmNSSC Suite (2150 Shattuck Ave, Suite 230)
Snacks will be provided as we work on this semester's project!
Mon09Mar20205:30 pmNSSC Suite (2150 Shattuck Ave, Suite 230)
Snacks will be provided as we work on this semester's project!
Mon30Mar20205:30 pmNSSC Suite (2150 Shattuck Ave, Suite 230)
Snacks will be provided as Rebecca Krentz-Wee discusses the International Partnership for Nuclear Disarmament Verification.
Mon06Apr20205:30 pmNSSC Suite (2150 Shattuck Ave, Suite 230)
Snacks will be provided as we work on this semester's project!
Mon20Apr20205:30 pmNSSC Suite (2150 Shattuck Ave, Suite 230)
Join us as Andrew Reddie speaks on the 2020 NPT Review Conference.
Mon27Apr20205:30 pmNSSC Suite (2150 Shattuck Ave, Suite 230)
Join us in celebrating our last meeting of the academic year!
Mon14Sep20205:30 pmRSVP at http://bit.ly/JoinNPWG
Join us for the first NPWG meeting of the 2020 Fall Semester! After welcomes and introductory icebreakers, we will be discussing nuclear modernization in preparation for our first speaker, Dr. Sheryl Hingorani!
Mon21Sep20205:30 pmRSVP at http://bit.ly/JoinNPWG
Join us in welcoming Dr. Sheryl Hingorani, who will be presenting on the U.S. nuclear modernization program!
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Mon28Sep20205:30 pmRSVP at http://bit.ly/JoinNPWG
Join us as we discuss nuclear modernization efforts in the United States and abroad!
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Mon05Oct20205:30 pmRSVP at https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_j4430WpkTzWFCesu5hnEsA
Join us in welcoming Dr. Frank Gavin, who will be presenting on his new book Nuclear Weapons and American Grand Strategy!
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Mon12Oct20205:30 pmRSVP at http://bit.ly/JoinNPWG
Join us as we discuss arms control, its history, implementation, and possible future, in preparation for our next speaker, Dr. Heather Williams.
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Mon19Oct20205:30 pmRSVP at http://bit.ly/JoinNPWG
Join us as we welcome Dr. Heather Williams, who will be presenting "The Future of Arms Control: Great Power Competition and Emerging Technology"!
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Mon26Oct20205:30 pmRSVP at http://bit.ly/JoinNPWG
Join us as we discuss current arms control efforts, with a focus on asymmetric arms control!
Mon02Nov20205:30 pmRSVP at http://bit.ly/JoinNPWG
Join us as we discuss the New START Treaty, in preparation for our next speaker, Dr. Mona Dreicer.
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Tue10Nov20205:30 pmRSVP at http://bit.ly/JoinNPWG
Join us as we welcome Dr. Mona Dreicer, who will be presenting "Negotiating the New START Treaty!
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Mon16Nov20205:30 pmRSVP at http://bit.ly/JoinNPWG
Join us for our last meeting of the fall semester! We will be going through end-of-semester business and hearing short presentations from our research groups on the New START treaty and arms control with China.
Mon25Jan20215:30 pmhttp://bit.ly/JoinNPWG
Come and join us for our first meeting of the semester! RSVP at http://bit.ly/JoinNPWG!
Mon01Feb20215:30 pmRSVP at http://bit.ly/JoinNPWG
Join us in welcoming John Mecklin, Editor in Chief of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, who will be presenting on communicating policy recommendations!
Tue09Feb202110:00 amRSVP at https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdSAVFQJHJdkn_EublpoE9h_he-6xNC9R4BBYSXLUpWgGTZow/viewform?usp=sf_link
Join the NSSC at this special event as they host Sarah Laderman, the deputy director of NPWG from 2017-2018. Sarah is now an Associate Safeguards Information Analyst at the International Atomic Energy Agency - Sarah ensures countries use nuclear technology for peaceful purposes, and helps remove the threat of nuclear weapons proliferation.
Mon15Feb20215:30 pmRSVP at http://bit.ly/JoinNPWG
No NPWG Meeting this week, we hope everybody enjoys the President's Day holiday!
Mon22Feb20215:30 pmRSVP at http://bit.ly/NPWG-keynote-event
RSVP: Click here!
Join us in welcoming Michael Albertson, Deputy Director at the Center for Global Security Research at LLNL, who will be presenting on the politics of arms control!
Mon01Mar20215:30 pmRSVP at http://bit.ly/JoinNPWG
Join us for a research-focused meeting where we will share research interests, discuss potential research topics, and begin breaking into groups or individuals to consider research statements and plans for submitting to the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists or other potential publications.
If you’re a member of the UC Berkeley community interested in joining this meeting, we’d love to have you! Please fill out our contact page for additional information. -
Fri12Mar202112:00 pmhttps://berkeley.zoom.us/j/91346865667
Join us for this special event co-hosted by the UC Berkeley chapter of the American Nuclear Society, welcoming Dr. Matthew Kroenig, who will be presenting on his book, The Logic of American Nuclear Strategy!
Mon15Mar20215:30 pmRSVP at http://bit.ly/JoinNPWG
Join us for an after-action discussion of the concepts Dr. Kroenig talked about in his remarks and Q&A, covering his book The Logic of American Nuclear Strategy.
If you’re a member of the UC Berkeley community interested in joining this meeting, we’d love to have you! Please fill out our contact page for additional information. -
Mon22Mar20215:30 pmRSVP at http://bit.ly/JoinNPWG
No NPWG Meeting this week, we hope everybody has a restful spring break!
Mon29Mar20215:30 pmRSVP at http://bit.ly/JoinNPWG
Join us for a primer and discussion on the Nuclear Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT).
If you’re a member of the UC Berkeley community interested in joining this meeting, we’d love to have you! Please fill out our contact page for additional information.
Mon05Apr20215:30 pmRSVP at http://bit.ly/JoinNPWG
Join us in welcoming Matty Golub, who will be presenting “Who’s to Say? Technical Dimensions of Nuclear Disinformation?"
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Mon12Apr20215:30 pmRSVP at http://bit.ly/JoinNPWG
Join us in welcoming Dr. Andrew Reddie, who will be presenting "From Art to Science: Analytical Wargaming and Behavioral Research"!
Mon19Apr20215:30 pmRSVP at http://bit.ly/JoinNPWG
Join us as we run through an interactive wargaming exercise and discuss nuclear decision-making and wargaming.
If you’re a member of the UC Berkeley community interested in joining this meeting, we’d love to have you! Please fill out our contact page for additional information. -
Mon26Apr20215:30 pmRSVP at http://bit.ly/JoinNPWG
Join us as for the final NPWG meeting of the spring semester. We will be hearing brief presentations from group members about the research they do and how it affects nuclear policy and nonproliferation!
If you’re a member of the UC Berkeley community interested in joining this meeting, we’d love to have you! Please fill out our contact page for additional information. -
Mon30Aug20215:30 pmhttp://bit.ly/JoinNPWG
We are very excited to see everybody as NPWG starts up once again for the Fall 2021 semester! Membership is open to all undergraduate and graduate students, so if you're interested in nuclear policy and want a place to learn more, discuss relevant issues, and perform cutting-edge research, please do stop by!
Meetings will start virtually this semester, though we may move to a hybrid structure if conditions improve. Virtual attendance, though, will always be an option!
If you're interested in joining NPWG, please fill out the interest form http://bit.ly/JoinNPWG to be added to the mailing list! If you have any questions or would like to learn more, send an email to austin_mullen@berkeley.edu, I'd be happy to talk!
I'm looking forward to seeing everybody this semester!
I hope everybody has a restful long weekend, and I look forward to seeing you all again next week!
Mon13Sep20215:30 pmhttp://bit.ly/JoinNPWG
At this meeting we will be having a group discussion on our research project for this semester, focused on cyber-nuclear interactions, deterrence, and escalation dynamics. We will be brainstorming research questions and methods for us to focus on for the remainder of the semester.
If you're interested in joining NPWG, please fill out the interest form http://bit.ly/JoinNPWG to be added to the mailing list! If you have any questions or would like to learn more, send an email to austin_mullen@berkeley.edu, I'd be happy to talk!
Mon20Sep20215:30 pmhttp://bit.ly/JoinNPWG
At this meeting we will be having a group discussion on our research project for this semester, focused on cyber-nuclear interactions, deterrence, and escalation dynamics. We will be continuing our discussion from last meeting on identifying a research question and policy recommendations to move forward with this semester. We'll be giving a short summary of the discussion so far at the start of the meeting, so you are more than welcome to attend even if you couldn't make it last week!
If you're interested in joining NPWG, please fill out the interest form http://bit.ly/JoinNPWG to be added to the mailing list! If you have any questions or would like to learn more, send an email to austin_mullen@berkeley.edu, I'd be happy to talk!
Mon27Sep20215:30 pmhttp://bit.ly/JoinNPWG
The People's Republic of China is currently undertaking an unprecedented expansion of their nuclear forces, dramatically expanding the number of intercontinental and intermediate-range ballistic missiles they have available. The discovery of 250 missile silos in Northern China has led to calls for a change in how we approach security in East Asia at the strategic level. How the United States should respond to these developments is currently a matter of intense debate, fueled partly by disagreement with what PRC nuclear strategy actually looks like and what the PRC's end goals for this program are. This talk will examine what we know about China's rapid nuclear expansion, what we don't know, and how the United States might respond to increasing regional and global military tensions with China. We will cover the history of the PRC's nuclear program, the prevailing interpretations of their strategy, recent changes to their order of battle, and what the future of arms control and nonproliferation with China might look like.
Decker Eveleth is a freelance open-source intelligence analyst and an incoming master's student at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey. His work on tracking ballistic missiles has been featured in the Washington Post and The Economist magazine.
If you're interested in joining NPWG, please fill out the interest form http://bit.ly/JoinNPWG to be added to the mailing list! If you have any questions or would like to learn more, send an email to austin_mullen@berkeley.edu, I'd be happy to talk!
Mon04Oct20215:30 pmhttp://bit.ly/JoinNPWG
Join us for a guest lecture given by Dr. Ruby Booth focused on "Understanding the Cyber Conflict Landscape"!
Ruby Booth is an InfoSec researcher specializing in the interaction between human behavior and cybersecurity. Her research includes projects on hacker motivation, InfoSec culture, and the effect of security breaches on user behavior. She has a Ph.D. in Business Administration with a concentration in Management of Information Systems. Dr. Booth is a Principal Member of Technical Staff at Sandia National Laboratories where she serves as a National Security systems analyst and cybersecurity subject matter expert. Her areas of interest include cyber risk management, ethical AI development, and cyber deterrence investment strategy.
If you're interested in joining NPWG, please fill out the interest form http://bit.ly/JoinNPWG to be added to the mailing list! If you have any questions or would like to learn more, send an email to austin_mullen@berkeley.edu, I'd be happy to talk!
Mon11Oct20215:30 pmhttp://bit.ly/JoinNPWG
Join us for a research and discussion focused meeting! The first part of the meeting time will be spent on this year's research project, and the remainder of the meeting time will be a primer and group discussion on the principles of deterrence in preparation for Ambassador Brooks' talk the following meeting.
If you're interested in joining NPWG, please fill out the interest form http://bit.ly/JoinNPWG to be added to the mailing list! If you have any questions or would like to learn more, send an email to austin_mullen@berkeley.edu, I'd be happy to talk!
Mon18Oct20215:30 pmhttp://bit.ly/JoinNPWG
Join us for a guest lecture by Ambassador Linton Brooks focused on nuclear deterrence! Please find an abstract and a bio for Ambassador Brooks below:
During the Cold War nuclear deterrence came to be well understood by both the United States and the Soviet Union. It was aimed at preventing a massive attack, was exclusively bilateral, and was to an extent unrelated to conflict in other domains. It assumed a state would respond to an attack with a devastating retaliatory strike from survivable strategic forces. Knowing this, the potential attacker, assumed to be a single rational decision maker, could make a calculated decision that the cost of such a response would exceed any possible benefit to be gained and thus would be deterred. Thus, in theory nuclear war was irrational and therefore unthinkable.
The assumptions of the Cold War are no longer valid. Where nuclear warfare could once be treated separately from conflict in other domains, this is no longer true. Where both sides assumed a massive nuclear exchange, both Russia and China appear to envision achieving their military objectives by smaller, limited attacks. Finally, modern social science has called into question the decision-making model of a single, totally rational, decision maker making the decision to use nuclear weapons on strict cost-benefit considerations.
The seminar will discuss the implications of these developments.Ambassador Brooks has over 60 years of experience in national security. He was the Chief Negotiator for the first two Strategic Arms Reduction Treaties and for five years was the Administrator of the National Nuclear Security Administration, responsible for the US nuclear weapons program. He has been an advisor to several national laboratories, served on several ships carrying nuclear weapons and writes and lectures frequently on deterrence.
If you're interested in joining NPWG, please fill out the interest form http://bit.ly/JoinNPWG to be added to the mailing list! If you have any questions or would like to learn more, send an email to austin_mullen@berkeley.edu, I'd be happy to talk! -
Mon25Oct20215:30 pmhttp://bit.ly/JoinNPWG
Join us to hear from Gabriel Kelvin, who will be speaking to us on cross domain escalation!
This presentation will go over qualitative differences in escalation in the cyber and traditional/nuclear domains and the contributing factors of this difference. It will also describe considerations to hesitancy in cross-domain escalation and alternatives to Khan's escalation ladder in effects-based measurement of conflict.
Gabriel Kelvin is a fourth year political science undergraduate student at UC Berkeley and undergraduate fellow at the NSSC. His research interests include cyber escalation, social mobility policy and data visualization.
If you're interested in joining NPWG, please fill out the interest form http://bit.ly/JoinNPWG to be added to the mailing list! If you have any questions or would like to learn more, send an email to austin_mullen@berkeley.edu, I'd be happy to talk!
Mon01Nov20215:30 pmhttp://bit.ly/JoinNPWG
At this meeting we will be having a group discussion on our research project for this semester, focused on cyber-nuclear interactions, deterrence, and escalation dynamics. We will be brainstorming research questions and methods for us to focus on for the remainder of the semester.
If you're interested in joining NPWG, please fill out the interest form http://bit.ly/JoinNPWG to be added to the mailing list! If you have any questions or would like to learn more, send an email to austin_mullen@berkeley.edu, I'd be happy to talk!
Mon08Nov20215:30 pmhttp://bit.ly/JoinNPWG
Join us for a guest lecture given by Dr. Brandon Williams focused on cyberoperations!
Cybersecurity Cooperation, Moving Beyond Nuclear Escalation Logic for Cybersecurity, & a Cyber Arms Control Lesson from (re)Learning How to Fear the Bomb: During the talk, Dr. Williams will address cyber defense and resilience cooperation among allies and partners, zooming in on how the US can cooperate with NATO and novel security arrangements such as AUKUS or the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue partners. He will offer his opinion on why he believes the thinking about nuclear escalation does not apply to cybersecurity. He will also reflect on how he recently learned to fear the bomb anew—assuming he understood nuclear weapons after over a decade earning a Cold War history PhD. He’ll explain why he believes it is the utmost importance that the US and allies apply pressure to convince all nuclear-weapon states to agree to arms control on cyber probing, mapping, and targeting of NC3 systems.
Brandon will be speaking in his personal capacity and not as an employee of Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.
If you're interested in joining NPWG, please fill out the interest form http://bit.ly/JoinNPWG to be added to the mailing list! If you have any questions or would like to learn more, send an email to austin_mullen@berkeley.edu, I'd be happy to talk!
Mon15Nov20215:30 pm https://bit.ly/NPWG-keynote-registration
Join us for our open Keynote Speaker Event, Dr. Jacquelyn Schneider who will be speaking to us on the cyber-nuclear relationship!
To register for the event,
Or copy and paste https://bit.ly/NPWG-keynote-registration into your search bar! -
Mon22Nov20215:30 pmhttp://bit.ly/JoinNPWG
I hope everybody has a great Thanksgiving! There will be no NPWG meeting this week.
If you're interested in joining NPWG, please fill out the interest form http://bit.ly/JoinNPWG to be added to the mailing list! If you have any questions or would like to learn more, send an email to austin_mullen@berkeley.edu, I'd be happy to talk!
Mon29Nov20215:30 pmhttp://bit.ly/JoinNPWG
Stay tuned for more information on what we'll be talking about this week as the meeting gets closer!
If you're interested in joining NPWG, please fill out the interest form http://bit.ly/JoinNPWG to be added to the mailing list! If you have any questions or would like to learn more, send an email to austin_mullen@berkeley.edu, I'd be happy to talk!
Mon24Jan20225:40 pmhttp://bit.ly/JoinNPWG
Come and join us for our first meeting of the semester! We will be going over plans for NPWG this semester, giving a recap of what we did last semester, and watching the first episode of CSIS PONI's Deterrence 101 video series!
If you're interested in joining NPWG, please fill out the interest form http://bit.ly/JoinNPWG to be added to the mailing list! If you have any questions or would like to learn more, send an email to austin_mullen@berkeley.edu, I'd be happy to talk!
Mon31Jan20225:40 pmhttp://bit.ly/JoinNPWG
Join us for a discussion of this semester's research work! We will be discussing the current state of the research and looking for volunteers interested in working on the project. We will also be having a group discussion on the research topic so that everyone will have a chance to contribute!
If you're interested in joining NPWG, please fill out the interest form http://bit.ly/JoinNPWG to be added to the mailing list! If you have any questions or would like to learn more, send an email to austin_mullen@berkeley.edu, I'd be happy to talk!
Mon07Feb20225:40 pmhttp://bit.ly/JoinNPWG
Join us as we host Erin Dumbacher of the Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI), who will speak to us on Escalation Risks amid Modernization: Cybersecurity Threats and U.S. Nuclear Weapons.
U.S. nuclear weapons are “going digital,” with roughly 90 percent of modernization programs adding digital upgrades or new digital components. Digitization and automation plans for the first major upgrade of the U.S. nuclear weapons systems in nearly 40 years carry significant risks and uncertainties alongside key benefits. How should U.S. policy and posture change with the inclusion of digital technologies in nuclear weapons? In addition to the rewards of and improved functionality in command, control, communication, and warning, how might cybersecurity threats be mitigated to avert escalation from a cyber attack to nuclear war?
Erin D. Dumbacher is a senior program officer at the Nuclear Threat Initiative focusing on cybersecurity, emerging technology, and nuclear security. Her recent publications include U.S. Nuclear Weapons Modernization: Security and Policy Implications of Integrating Digital Technology and Signals in the Noise: Preventing Nuclear Proliferation with Machine Learning & Publicly Available Information. She is a former strategy and research director in the private sector and received her M.A. from the Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies. She began studying cyber and international security issues in Estonia in 2010 through a Fulbright Fellowship. Dumbacher is a Council on Foreign Relations term member, a member of Women in International Security, and an alumna of the Project on Nuclear Issues (PONI) Mid-Career Cadre. She is also a former Board Member of SAIS Global Women in Leadership. Her writing has been published by IEEE's Computer, The Atlantic, National Journal, Government Executive, War on the Rocks, NextGov, the SAIS Review of International Affairs, and The Nonproliferation Review.
If you're interested in joining NPWG, please fill out the interest form http://bit.ly/JoinNPWG to be added to the mailing list! If you have any questions or would like to learn more, send an email to austin_mullen@berkeley.edu, I'd be happy to talk!
Mon14Feb20225:40 pmhttp://bit.ly/JoinNPWG
Join us as we host Christopher Eusebi of the RAND Corporation, who will be speaking to his work on Love and Danger - my experience as a target of the CCP.
You already are a target. Open source intelligence about your research can be used against you at Sliver. Let’s discuss “normal” open source methods nation state lurkers will use against you. I’ll share how my publications and associations led me into a three van convoy speeding through Anhui province with a crew straight out of central casting.Bio:
Christopher Eusebi is an adjunct senior researcher at the RAND Corporation and a principal and practicing patent attorney with LK GLobal PLC. Eusebi's research applies to the international legal system as it relates to intellectual property, forecasting evolution of science and technology, and recently developed techniques related to the detection of disruptive technologies. He has led several projects developing broad-based qualitative measurement tools for the Department of Defense related to industrial base strength and overseas TRL and MRL capabilities.If you're interested in joining NPWG, please fill out the interest form http://bit.ly/JoinNPWG to be added to the mailing list! If you have any questions or would like to learn more, send an email to austin_mullen@berkeley.edu, I'd be happy to talk!
Mon21Feb20225:40 pmhttp://bit.ly/JoinNPWG
There will be no meeting this week for the President's Day holiday.
Mon28Feb20225:40 pmhttp://bit.ly/JoinNPWG
Join us as we host Dr. Andrew Reddie of the UC Berkeley School of Information, who will be speaking to us on The Cyber-Nuclear Nexus and Strategic Stability.
There are a number of ways in which cybersecurity concerns intersect with nuclear weapons policy--from the potential for cyber attacks to cause escalation to the cybersecurity risks to physical systems. This talk surveys these linkages that underpin fears regarding the vulnerability of second-strike capabilities central to nuclear deterrence. It also pays particular attention to the cybersecurity risks to the often ignored command and control assets that underpin nuclear weapons both here in the United States and across the globe.Dr. Andrew Reddie is an Assistant Professor of Practice at the University of California, Berkeley’s School of Information where he works on projects related to cybersecurity, nuclear weapons policy, wargaming, and emerging military technologies. He is also currently serving as research director of the Center for Long-Term Cybersecurity. Andrew is currently a Bridging the Gap New Era fellow, Hans J. Morgenthau fellow at Notre Dame University, a non-resident fellow at the Brute Krulak Center at Marine Corps University, research director at the Center for Long-Term Cybersecurity, and deputy director at the Berkeley APEC Study Center. Previously, Andrew served as deputy director of the Nuclear Policy Working Group, predoctoral researcher at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory’s Center for Global Security Research, and as an associate at the Council on Foreign Relations in Washington, DC.
His work has appeared in Science, the Journal of Cyber Policy, and the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists among other outlets and has been variously supported by the Carnegie Corporation of New York, MacArthur Foundation, and the U.S. Department of Energy's Nuclear Science and Security Consortium.
If you're interested in joining NPWG, please fill out the interest form http://bit.ly/JoinNPWG to be added to the mailing list! If you have any questions or would like to learn more, send an email to austin_mullen@berkeley.edu, I'd be happy to talk!
Mon07Mar20225:40 pmhttp://bit.ly/JoinNPWG
This week NPWG will be going through an interactive wargame, where group members will be put in the shoes of American policymakers tasked with responding to an international crisis. Stay tuned for more information on the details of the game!
If you're interested in joining NPWG, please fill out the interest form http://bit.ly/JoinNPWG to be added to the mailing list! If you have any questions or would like to learn more, send an email to austin_mullen@berkeley.edu, I'd be happy to talk!
Mon14Mar20225:40 pmhttp://bit.ly/JoinNPWG
Join us as we host Rolf Mowatt-Larssen of the Belfer Center, who will be speaking on social engineering, strategic stability, and nuclear risk!
If you're interested in joining NPWG, please fill out the interest form http://bit.ly/JoinNPWG to be added to the mailing list! If you have any questions or would like to learn more, send an email to austin_mullen@berkeley.edu, I'd be happy to talk!
Mon21Mar20225:40 pmhttp://bit.ly/JoinNPWG
There will be no NPWG meeting this week for Spring Break.
Mon28Mar20225:40 pmhttp://bit.ly/JoinNPWG
Join us for our semester's Keynote Presentation given by Dr. Herbert Lin. Dr. Lin will be speaking about his new book Cyber Threats and Nuclear Weapons. The event is open to all, but requires registration!
RSVP: Click here!
Mon04Apr20225:40 pmhttp://bit.ly/JoinNPWG
Join us as we host Leah Walker of the Institute for Security and Technology, who will be speaking to her work on emerging technologies and crisis communications!
If you're interested in joining NPWG, please fill out the interest form http://bit.ly/JoinNPWG to be added to the mailing list! If you have any questions or would like to learn more, send an email to austin_mullen@berkeley.edu, I'd be happy to talk!
Mon11Apr20225:40 pmhttp://bit.ly/JoinNPWG
Join us for a end-of-semester presentation and summary by our research team on the work they've done and any future plans for the research!
If you're interested in joining NPWG, please fill out the interest form http://bit.ly/JoinNPWG to be added to the mailing list! If you have any questions or would like to learn more, send an email to austin_mullen@berkeley.edu, I'd be happy to talk!
Mon18Apr20225:40 pmhttp://bit.ly/JoinNPWG
There will be no meeting this week for Easter Monday.
Mon25Apr20225:40 pmhttp://bit.ly/JoinNPWG
Join us as we end the semester with a game of Nuclear Jeopardy, come prepared to put your nuclear trivia knowledge to the test!
If you're interested in joining NPWG, please fill out the interest form http://bit.ly/JoinNPWG to be added to the mailing list! If you have any questions or would like to learn more, send an email to austin_mullen@berkeley.edu, I'd be happy to talk!
Mon29Aug20225:40 pmhttp://bit.ly/JoinNPWG
Join us for our first NPWG meeting of the semester, where we'll be discussing our research and guest speaker plans for this winter! All UC Berkeley and NSSC students are welcome to attend!
If you're interested in joining NPWG, please fill out the interest form http://bit.ly/JoinNPWG to be added to the mailing list! If you have any questions or would like to learn more, send an email to austin_mullen@berkeley.edu, I'd be happy to talk!
Mon05Sep20225:40 pmhttp://bit.ly/JoinNPWG
No NPWG meeting this week for the Labor Day holiday!
If you're interested in joining NPWG, please fill out the interest form http://bit.ly/JoinNPWG to be added to the mailing list! If you have any questions or would like to learn more, send an email to austin_mullen@berkeley.edu, I'd be happy to talk!
Mon12Sep20225:40 pmhttp://bit.ly/JoinNPWG
This week we will be hosting our first guest speaker of the semester, Dr. Andrew Reddie, who will be giving a talk on the history of arms control! See below for an abstract and bio.
Mon19Sep20225:40 pmhttp://bit.ly/JoinNPWG
This week we will be beginning work and discussion on this semester's research project! This semester, we will be investigating nuclear decision-making authority and how it can affect strategic stability and reduce nuclear risks. The first part of this project will involve breaking into groups to research different countries' nuclear decision-making structures.
If you're interested in joining NPWG, please fill out the interest form http://bit.ly/JoinNPWG to be added to the mailing list! If you have any questions or would like to learn more, send an email to austin_mullen@berkeley.edu, I'd be happy to talk!
Mon26Sep20225:40 pmhttp://bit.ly/JoinNPWG
This week we will be hosting Dr. David Arceneaux, who will be speaking to us on nuclear command and control systems and nuclear decision making authority. See below for an abstract and bio.
Mon03Oct20225:40 pmhttp://bit.ly/JoinNPWG
This week we will be hosting Dr. Erik Brubaker, who will be speaking to us on an overview of arms control verification technologies, past and future! See below for a bio and abstract.
Mon10Oct20225:40 pmhttp://bit.ly/JoinNPWG
This week we will be continuing work and discussion on this semester's research project! Stay tuned for more details soon.
If you're interested in joining NPWG, please fill out the interest form http://bit.ly/JoinNPWG to be added to the mailing list! If you have any questions or would like to learn more, send an email to austin_mullen@berkeley.edu, I'd be happy to talk!
Mon17Oct20225:40 pmhttp://bit.ly/JoinNPWG
This week we will be hosting Matt Korda of the Federation of American Scientists, who will be speaking to us on the role of open source intelligence techniques on the future of arms control! Find his bio below:
Matt Korda is a senior research associate and project manager for the Nuclear Information Project at the Federation of American Scientists, where he coauthors the Nuclear Notebook––an authoritative estimate of global nuclear forces. Matt is also an associate researcher with the Weapons of Mass Destruction programme at the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI). Previously, he worked for the Arms Control, Disarmament, and WMD Non-Proliferation Centre at NATO headquarters in Brussels. He received his MA in International Peace and Security from the Department of War Studies at King’s College London. Matt’s research interests and recent publications focus on nuclear deterrence and disarmament, progressive foreign policy, and the nexus between nuclear weapons, climate change, and injustice.
If you're interested in joining NPWG, please fill out the interest form http://bit.ly/JoinNPWG to be added to the mailing list! If you have any questions or would like to learn more, send an email to austin_mullen@berkeley.edu, I'd be happy to talk!
Mon24Oct20225:40 pmhttp://bit.ly/JoinNPWG
This week we will be continuing work and discussion on this semester's research project! Stay tuned for more details soon.
If you're interested in joining NPWG, please fill out the interest form http://bit.ly/JoinNPWG to be added to the mailing list! If you have any questions or would like to learn more, send an email to austin_mullen@berkeley.edu, I'd be happy to talk!
Mon31Oct20225:40 pmhttp://bit.ly/JoinNPWG
No NPWG meeting this week, Happy Halloween!
If you're interested in joining NPWG, please fill out the interest form http://bit.ly/JoinNPWG to be added to the mailing list! If you have any questions or would like to learn more, send an email to austin_mullen@berkeley.edu, I'd be happy to talk!
Mon07Nov20224:00 pmBanatao Auditorium, Sutardja Dai Hall, 2594 Hearst Ave, Berkeley, CA 94720
This week we will be co-hosting Ben Bahney and Jonathan Pearl from the Center for Global Security Research at LLNL with the Berkeley Risk and Security Lab. This will be an in person event hosted at Banatao Auditorium, Sutardja Dai Hall, 2594 Hearst Ave, Berkeley, CA 94720 from 4:00-5:30pm! See below for more event information:
Benjamin Bahney is a Senior Fellow at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory’s Center for Global Security Research (CGSR) where he studies strategic competition in the 21st century in the areas of space, cyber, and advanced science and technology. His research interests include how these new areas of competition affect strategic stability, deterrence, and escalation management.
Dr. Jonathan Pearl is a Senior Fellow at the Center for Global Security Research (CGSR) at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL). His work examines the implications of space, nuclear, and advanced technologies on national security and strategic competition. His research interests include deterrence, escalation control, arms control, nonproliferation, and strategic stability.
If you're interested in joining NPWG, please fill out the interest form http://bit.ly/JoinNPWG to be added to the mailing list! If you have any questions or would like to learn more, send an email to austin_mullen@berkeley.edu, I'd be happy to talk!
Mon14Nov20225:40 pmhttp://bit.ly/JoinNPWG
This week we will be continuing work and discussion on this semester's research project! Stay tuned for more details soon.
If you're interested in joining NPWG, please fill out the interest form http://bit.ly/JoinNPWG to be added to the mailing list! If you have any questions or would like to learn more, send an email to austin_mullen@berkeley.edu, I'd be happy to talk!
Mon21Nov20225:40 pmhttp://bit.ly/JoinNPWG
This week we will be wrapping up our research project for this semester and going over results! Stay tuned for more details soon.
If you're interested in joining NPWG, please fill out the interest form http://bit.ly/JoinNPWG to be added to the mailing list! If you have any questions or would like to learn more, send an email to austin_mullen@berkeley.edu, I'd be happy to talk!
Mon28Nov20224:00 pmBanatao Auditorium, Sutardja Dai Hall, 2594 Hearst Ave, Berkeley, CA 94720
This week we will be co-hosting, with the Nuclear Science and Security Consortium and the Berkeley Risk and Security Lab, our Keynote Speaker this semester, Amb. Rose Gottemoeller. Amb. Gottemoeller will be speaking on the potential value of arms control and risk reduction strategies to manage the challenges presented by emerging technologies.
If you're interested in joining NPWG, please fill out the interest form http://bit.ly/JoinNPWG to be added to the mailing list! If you have any questions or would like to learn more, send an email to austin_mullen@berkeley.edu, I'd be happy to talk!
Mon05Dec20225:40 pmhttp://bit.ly/JoinNPWG
Join us for an end-of-year celebration of NPWG! More details will be available soon.
If you're interested in joining NPWG, please fill out the interest form http://bit.ly/JoinNPWG to be added to the mailing list! If you have any questions or would like to learn more, send an email to austin_mullen@berkeley.edu, I'd be happy to talk!
Mon23Jan20235:30 pm
To RSVP for this or future NPWG events please fill out this form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfPiXq9f2RsH-3zjKnJhVDVyvbD0309-dzvgyijQTYTy-lMRA/viewform?usp=sf_link
Mon30Jan20235:30 pm
To RSVP for this or future NPWG events please fill out this form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfPiXq9f2RsH-3zjKnJhVDVyvbD0309-dzvgyijQTYTy-lMRA/viewform?usp=sf_link
Mon13Feb20235:30 pm
To RSVP for this or future NPWG events please fill out this form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfPiXq9f2RsH-3zjKnJhVDVyvbD0309-dzvgyijQTYTy-lMRA/viewform?usp=sf_link
Mon03Apr20235:30 pm
To RSVP for this or future NPWG events please fill out this form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfPiXq9f2RsH-3zjKnJhVDVyvbD0309-dzvgyijQTYTy-lMRA/viewform?usp=sf_link
Mon10Apr20235:30 pm
To RSVP for this or future NPWG events please fill out this form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfPiXq9f2RsH-3zjKnJhVDVyvbD0309-dzvgyijQTYTy-lMRA/viewform?usp=sf_link
Mon17Apr20235:30 pm
To RSVP for this or future NPWG events please fill out this form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfPiXq9f2RsH-3zjKnJhVDVyvbD0309-dzvgyijQTYTy-lMRA/viewform?usp=sf_link
Mon28Aug20235:40 pm
Join us for the first NPWG meeting of the fall semester. (more…)
Happy Labor Day! We will be back next week.
Mon11Sep20235:40 pm
NPWG hosts Dr. Andrew Reddie, Faculty Director of the Berkeley Risk and Security Lab (more…)
Mon18Sep20235:40 pm
Dr. Rebecca Gibbons will deliver a talk about U.S. leadership and the global nuclear order.(more…)
Mon25Sep20235:40 pm
Mike Alberston from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory will deliver a lecture on the implications of Russia and China's current behavior for U.S. arms control strategy.(more…)
Mon02Oct20235:40 pm
We will be discussing this year's research agenda and opportunities for policy-relevant publications.(more…)
Mon16Oct20235:40 pm
In this meeting, NPWG will be brainstorming questions for the upcoming BRSL workshop on next generation arms control.(more…)
We will resume our normal meeting time next week. Stay tuned for more information about the BRSL workshop and keynote address.(more…)
Mon06Nov20235:40 pmZoom (link to be circulated)
NPWG hosts Dr. Naomi Egel for a lecture on the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) and small state contestation of the nuclear order.(more…)
Wed20Nov20246:30 pm
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